The implant does not pose any aesthetic problems.
It is also known as implant, implanted, screw thread, dental screw, false teeth and screw thread.
The implant is placed in the jawbone when there is sufficient and suitable bone to make fixed or removable prostheses. If the amount and density of bone is not at a level that can be treated with implants, it may be necessary to perform bone-forming procedures before the implant application.
What is flapless (seamless) implant surgery?
Implantation without cutting the gingiva and without stitching is called flapless implant surgery. In this procedure, since the implant surgery is performed without damaging the soft tissues, healing is faster and more comfortable. Not every case may be suitable for this technique. Your doctor will make the decision on this issue at the end of your first examination.
What is implant treatment with Fast & Fixed Technique?
In cases where there is bone deficiency in the posterior regions, it is possible to make fixed prostheses without the need for advanced surgery by using angled implants with the Fast&Fixed technique. With this technique, it is possible to make implants on the day the teeth are extracted, and in edentulous patients, implants can be made and fixed prosthesis can be made on the same day.
Do you need an implant for every missing tooth?
If there is enough bone, dentists always prefer an implant to replace each lost tooth. However, in some cases, two implants can be placed spaced apart and a bridge prosthesis can be made on it. The number of implants to be placed is determined only after the dentist's radiographic examination.
What kind of method is applied if there is not enough bone in the area to be implanted?
The density, height and thickness of the bone in the area to be implanted are important. This directly affects the success of the implant. In cases where the bone is not enough, it is necessary to create bone with different techniques (using bone grafts) to increase the amount of bone. For this procedure, sinus lift, block grafting, and horizontal and vertical bone formation in the lower jaw can be performed in the upper posterior region.
Can patients using palatal (movable) prosthesis benefit from implant treatment?
Today, even patients with completely edentulous mouths can get rid of removable dentures directly if they have enough bones, or with implants to be made after the bone formation process. It is very difficult for the patient to use a removable prosthesis, especially in the edentulous lower jaw. Because, a tongue that is constantly playing inside gives a lot of trouble to the patient while talking and eating, cheek and lip outside. Problems related to the prosthesis, which can not stand still with tongue, lip, cheek and chewing movements in the lower jaw and often hit, can be eliminated with implant applications. In addition, problems such as nausea caused by the design that closes the palate, which is made to ensure the retention of the upper total dentures, are eliminated. Fixed or removable implant supported prostheses can be made. In both types of prosthesis, the complaints of movement and nausea are eliminated.
What are the Benefits of Implants?
Making a new tooth with an implant to replace the lost tooth is important for the health and function of the surrounding teeth and the entire chewing system. While a tooth that fulfills its aesthetic and chewing function is obtained in its natural tooth form, the loss of the surrounding teeth into the tooth cavity and deformities in other teeth are prevented. In addition, bone loss that occurs over time in the cavity formed after tooth extraction is prevented by implanting.
What is the advantage of the implant process compared to bridge construction?
In patients with a single missing tooth or more than one missing tooth, the teeth in front and behind the missing gap should be cut and reduced in bridge tooth construction. In the implant application, the toothlessness problem can be eliminated by making an implant instead of the missing tooth without the need to cut any teeth.
In which cases is implant application risky?
• Diabetes and chronic cardiovascular diseases that affect recovery
• Young patients with incomplete bone development
• Pregnant women
• People who smoke a lot (smoking suppresses the healing in the mouth and may cause a decrease in implant success)
• Alcohol or drug addicts
• People who have received high doses of radiotherapy to the head and neck region
• People with chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, connective tissue diseases, hemophilia and significant immune system deficiencies
• Implants cannot be performed in individuals using corticosteroids or immunosuppressive drugs.
How is implant treatment done, what processes does it involve?
Implant application is a simple application with today's technology. First, the area is anesthetized with local anesthesia, a slot is prepared in the place of the tooth that is not in the bone where the implant will be placed, and the implant is placed in this slot. After the implant is placed, the screws that will remain on the implant during the healing period are placed and the recovery period is expected. of dental implants It must be fully fused with the jawbone in order to remain healthy against the pressures created by the needle. This period varies according to the type of operation, region, age and health status of the patient. After the operation, a period of time is required for the construction of permanent prostheses. In case of bone deficiency, the waiting period may be longer for implants placed in newly formed areas. Afterwards, measurements are taken and the planned prosthesis is made.
Can failure occur in implant application?
Existing research reveals that the surgical placement of root-shaped implants is 98% successful over time. This is 60% in 10-year period in bridge prostheses. Failure of this type of implant usually occurs within the first year after the surgical procedure. After this period, the implant failure rate drops to 1% each year. The success of the treatment is related to the patient's healing potential, smoking, oral hygiene status, the presence of systemic diseases such as diabetes, the brand of the implant used, and the surgical skill of the physician.
What complications occur during implant surgery?
Every surgical intervention has a risk of complications. Bleeding, infection, and injuries to the nerves, sinus, and nasal cavity are among these complications. It is possible to minimize these possibilities with a good examination and radiological control. Three-dimensional imaging methods are effective in reducing complications. In addition, the experience of the physician and the implant system used are also very important.
Is implant an expensive treatment?
The rapid developments in technology and the advancement of implant production with this developing technology make the cost of this application high. In addition, the high quality materials produced are imported, which increases the price of implant treatment. The titanium used in the implant is a very advanced industrial product obtained with 99.9% purity. That's why admission prices are high. The high or low cost of implant treatment depends on the implant brand applied and the auxiliary surgical materials used during the procedure. However, patients who want to make a definite and reliable investment in oral and dental health prefer an implant that they can use as their own natural teeth. In a number of surveys conducted on this subject, it was concluded that people who had implants were very satisfied with their condition and that they could have the same application done again if necessary.
Is there an age limit for getting an implant?
Implant treatment can be performed at any age after bone development is complete (approximately 18 years of age). There is no specific age limit. Implants can be applied to anyone who does not have a disease that may prevent systemic implantation and whose bone quality is suitable.