Home Health Service provides services to those who are unable to come to our Center due to old age and chronic illness.
is the provision of oral and dental health services to individuals in their own home environment. Home Health Services, dentist's
After the oral examination, the treatments to be done to solve the oral and dental health problems detected
It is the treatment given at home with the physician and allied health personnel in the patient's own place.
Anyone who calls 444 38 33 during working hours will be able to apply for home health services.
If you apply for Home Health Service, by the Provincial Coordination Center.
Your request will be evaluated on the same day, and if necessary, a doctor will be directed to your home for your examination.
The doctor who visits you at home reports your personal and medical condition to the Provincial Coordination Center.
It was included in the scope of Home Health Service by the Provincial Coordination Center and transferred to Bolu İzzet Baysal Oral and Dental Health Center.
The patient's information is transmitted. Our team makes an appointment with the patient and makes a home visit for home treatment.
You can reach our Center's Home Health Services Unit by calling 0(374) 210 24 24.