What is Dental Curettage?
Dental curettage is a treatment method for people with gum disease to scrape the inflammation under the gums. In short, it is the process of scraping under the gums. It is a safe and common treatment method used in gum diseases.
Tooth scraping, that is, dental curettage treatment, which many people have applied to a doctor in recent years, has a very important place among gum diseases. If you want to have more detailed information about dental curettage, you can access the information you want thanks to this content.

The tartar is cleaned from the inside of the gums. When the curettage procedure will be performed, the patient is usually given local anesthesia. If curettage is to be performed on both the upper and lower jaws, the specialist usually divides the curettage into 4 zones and applies the treatment step by step.
How Is Dental Curettage Performed?
Before the curettage procedure, the patient's superficial calculus is cleaned.
Local anesthesia is then applied to the patient.
By making small cuts on the patient's gums, the inflammation under the gums is cleaned.
Then the gums are sutured and it is ensured that it is attached to the tooth again.
The patient does not feel anything during all these procedures.

After curettage, you will see that your palate and gums are very relaxed. Thanks to this procedure, you will have pink gums and healthier teeth.